What is Osteopathy? |
What is Manual Osteopathy? |
Osteopathy is the medical practice of treating the body as a single unit of networking tissue, understanding that nothing functions entirely on its own!
Manual Osteopathy is the practice of manipulating and correcting the tissues of the body to create balance.
Muscles & FasciaMuscles are the springs that move us, while fascial tissue the web that holds us together. In dysfunction, both will become firm and restrictive to movement, eliciting 'loud' pain that may feel sharp or achey.
Bones & JointsBones are the living framework that give the body support and structure. Joints allow for movement capacity. In dysfunction, pain may or may not be present but is usually specific.
VisceraOrgans are the filling of our bodies that provide for bodily function and cellular feeding. In dysfunction the body will decrease mobility to guard them. Most dysfunctions tend to be 'quiet' and refer pain to other areas in both specific and general patterns.
Cranium &
Why does osteopathy work? |
Who is osteopathy for? |
Nothing within the body functions entirely on its own. Osteopathy works because we treat it with consideration to the way the body is designed--an integrated web of networking tissues that are mutually dependant. By working on all of the involved systems, the body is able to find balance and function efficiently.
Anyone of any age who is experiencing pain or discomfort and wants to be feel better!
Stop hurting! Book your appointment today! |
HOURS: M-T: 10am-4pm W-T: 12pm-7pm F: 10am-2pm LOCATION: 8014 105 Street Edmonton Alberta |