Is my treatment covered by my insurance company? Yes, most insurance companies who provide chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage coverage also provide osteopathic coverage. We can also bill for massage, so we've got you covered for both. But check your policy if you are unsure. It is the clients responsibility to know their own insurance policies.
Do I need a Dr’s referral to see a Manual Osteopath? No, you do not need a referral to have an appointment with a Manual Osteopath.
What can Osteopathy help me with? Osteopathy is best used for rehabilitation and ‘problem fixing’. If there is a dysfunction in the body’s structural or soft tissues, it is likely a Manual Osteopath can help facilitate natural function.
What is the difference between Manual Osteopathy and Chiropractics or Massage? Generally, Chiropractics and Massage both focus on and treat single planes/systems of the body, whereas Osteopathy focuses on all the systems—bone and joint, muscle, fascia and other soft tissues, organ motility, and craniosacral movement. Working the body this way, instead of dancing between therapists and sessions, patients usually require fewer treatments and less time to recover.
What should I expect from my session? The first session is usually a little longer to allow adequate time for patient-therapist discussion. It will always begin with a complete health history and discussion of the problem and goals with the patient, full assessment, treatment plans and expectations from the therapist, and the first step in the treatment. Ongoing sessions will likely be shorter, depending on the number of problems and systems of the body to address, with time spent reassessing, discussing and treating.
Is there anything I should bring to my session? There is nothing required for the first visit, and usually any subsequent visit unless specified. It is requested that the patient wears comfortable, unrestricted clothes they can move in.
What should I expect from an Osteopathic adjustment? Unlike Chiropractic adjustments, Osteopathic adjustments are soft and require little force—meaning no high velocity movements, little pain and far fewer ‘cracks’. The patient is in complete control of the contraction that allows for the adjustment. The patient may feel a mild stretch when the practitioner sets them in the proper position. Sometimes there is a sensation of movement when structures realign, but often it is too subtle to feel or hear.
What is the difference between a Doctor of Osteopathy and a Manual Osteopath? A Doctor of Osteopathy, in Canada and the US, is a medical physician, allowed to prescribe medications, order required laboratory or diagnostic procedures and perform surgery. They must be trained in one of the 29 Osteopathic Medical Schools in the US only to call themselves a DO in Canada. Both Manual and Medical Osteopaths are trained to balance and adjust the body, to help overcome dysfunction and illness.
Links to Osteopathic Pages: National Manual Osteopathic Society (Association) located in Central Alberta.